How does hair growth work?


What makes hair growth?

Did you know that an average person have around 5 million hair follicles, of those 100.000 follicles reside on your scalp. Hair cycles through three different phases: the anagen phase (growth phase), the catagen phase (transition phase) and the telogen phase (the resting phase).

The Anagen Phase

During the Anagen Phase blood flow starts to build up at the base of the follicle and feeding oxygen to specialized stem cells. These cells then start dividing rapidly and produce keratinocytes, which form the root of the hair. The expanding mass of keratinocytes pushes towards the surface of the skin, as the cells die they release a protein called keratin which hold the strand of hair together. Eventually the hair pops out of the skin. During the Anagen phase the hair can grow up to 1.25 CM each month. The hair on the scalp remains in the anagen phase for 2 to 6 years.

The Catagen Phase

This phase lasts about two weeks. During this phase the blood supply at the bottom of the follicle is cut off, this stops the new production of keratinocytes. The follicle shrinks to 6 times its original size. The hair becomes detached from the follicle and will slowly be pushed out of the scalp. Eventually the hair is lost.

The Telogen Phase

During this phase the follicle remains dormant for 1-4 months. Eventually the hair is shed, and after the telogen phase the anagen phase starts again.

Hair loss in women


Hair loss in women

Hair loss is widely considered to be a problem that men are facing. But that isn’t quite the reality. More than 40% of all women also suffer hair loss at some point in their life.

What causes hair loss among women?

Women can experience hair loss for the same causes as men, but there are some causes that mostly women experience and that are less common amongst men.

Having a baby can cause hair loss due to the changes in hormone levels. Like having a baby getting on or off of birth control can cause changes in hormone levels which can result in hair loss. Hair damage is also a cause for hair loss. Things like dyeing, bleaching and using excessive heat on your hair can cause hair to be brittle and being prone to breakage which makes it thinner.

The time most women suffer hair loss is during the menopause. During menopause, you might see one of two things happen with your hair. You might start growing hair where you did not have it before. Or, you might see the hair you have start to thin. One cause may be changing levels of hormones during menopause. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, meaning that the effects of the androgens, male hormones, are increased. Other factors, such as stress, your diet, and heredity, may contribute to hair loss.

The aging process may mean that some women experience female-pattern hair loss (FPHL). This is also called androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair loss may get worse due to hormone changes.

During and after menopause, hair might become finer (thinner) because hair follicles shrink. Hair grows more slowly and falls out more easily in these cases. FPHL often means that thinning hair is centred at the crown and top of the head.

What are the symptoms or signs of hair loss in women?

Seeing more hair fall out daily either on your brush, on the floor, in showers, on your pillows, or on the sink
Seeing noticeable patches of thinner or missing hair, including a part on the top of your head that gets wider
Having smaller ponytails
Seeing hair break off

What are things you can do about it?

There are different ways to help with hair loss. It’s important to have a healthy diet and try to reduce stress. The products of Neofollics can also help with the problem of hair loss. The products contain ingredients that slow down the production of DHT, which is the main reason for hair loss. For example, when women hit the menopause their testosterone levels rise. Testosterone is transformed to DHT.

Different types of hair loss


Different types of hair loss

Androgenetic Alopecia

This is the most well-known and common type of hair loss, and by the age of 50 roughly 85% of all men suffer from it. It is also known as male pattern baldness. It is caused by hormone levels changing over a man’s life time. Here DHT levels increase (a substance that block nutrient-flow to the hair follicle), the hair follicle shrinks and eventually hairs will seize to grow. Male pattern baldness is recognized by either a receding hair line and/or a bald spot growing at the top of the head.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease, and can be caused by a number of different factors. It can be caused by: hormones, viruses, allergies, toxins or stress. About 2.1% of people will suffer from Alopecia Areata at some point in their life. It affects both men and women, however in most cases sufferers will recover within a year. Alopecia Areata is very recognizable due to it causing irregular circular bald spots.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is caused by excessive stress. When your body experiences an excess amount of stress, it goes in ‘’survival mode’’. When in ‘’survival mode’’ the body will seize to send nutrients to non-essential parts of the body (which includes hair follicles). The hair follicles shrink and the hair detaches. However Telogen Effluvium is often recognized later, this is because when the hair detaches from the follicle, it takes a while before the hair actually falls out. This means that the effects are visible 3 months after the body experiences the excess amount of stress. Luckily this form of hair loss is not permanent and within 3 to 5 months the hairs will return. It can also be caused by pregnancy. The loss of hair due to Telogen Effluvium is recognized due to it being equal all over the scalp, instead of specific spots of hair loss.

Hair loss after pregnancy


Hair loss after pregnancy

Hair loss during pregnancy, it is more common than you might think!

Hair loss during pregnancy, does it also bother you? Pregnancy is a beautiful moment in a woman’s life. On the other hand, it is also one of the most sensitive periods. From morning sickness to mood swings and unusual cravings, various changes occur in your body during pregnancy. While some pregnant women find that their hair looks thicker during pregnancy (lucky ones!) Due to higher levels of estrogen, most women experience hair loss or thinning hair. How is this possible and what can you do about it?

What Causes Hair Loss During Pregnancy?

Hormonal changes
During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. For example, the body produces more estrogen during pregnancy than at any other time in its life, and progesterone levels also increase. This rise in hormone levels helps support the baby and transfer nutrients from your body to the baby. However, it can also stunt hair growth, unfortunately, as the body experiences stress from all these changes in the body for the first few months.

Health issues
If hair loss during pregnancy is not caused by hormonal changes, it can sometimes be due to the underlying health condition. Pregnancy increases a woman’s risk of developing certain conditions. An example is hypothyroidism; where the thyroid gland does not make enough hormones. It occurs in 2 to 3 pregnancies in 100. Another condition is iron deficiency. This happens when the blood supply increases to provide the baby with blood and oxygen. These types of health problems can lead to hair loss during pregnancy. 

Bad nutrition
A woman’s body must be healthy during pregnancy as it no longer only supports itself, but also the fetus. Therefore, a balanced nutrient absorption is crucial for mother and child. Insufficient intake of proteins, vitamins, minerals can be harmful. The same is true of excessive intake of certain vitamins, such as the retinol form of vitamin A, which can lead to hair loss during pregnancy.

Stop contraception
The body takes time to get used to the sudden need to produce hormones that hinder the birth control pill. When you stop using birth control and the body starts to get used to it, you can experience hair loss.

What should you not do during your pregnancy?

Don’t brush excessively and don’t wear your hair too tight
Styling plays a big role in the condition of your hair. If you already have thinning hair, excessive brushing can cause more hair to fall out. Also, wearing tight hairstyles such as ponytails and braids creates undue stress on the hair and scalp.

Avoid hair products with these chemicals
Diethanolamine (DEA): Can alter a baby’s brain development.
– Formaldehyde: has been associated with spontaneous abortions, congenital malformations and premature birth.
– Parabens and Rosemary: Proven to have a negative impact on the growth of a baby.
– Synthetic Fragrances: May contain phthalates, a chemical that can alter hormone levels.
– Methylisothiazolinone (MIT): Can damage a baby’s developing nervous system.
– Sodium lauryl sulfate: has been associated with birth defects in animal studies.
– Minoxidil: Can cause hypertrichosis or excessive hair growth in a baby in the womb.

What can you do after your pregnancy to regain your healthy full hair?
Well, the above all sounds very scary, but to ensure that you return your own beautiful full and healthy hair after birth, there are plenty of options. Neofollics Hair Technology has developed a special hairline to combat hair loss and thinning hair. Combine the hair growth stimulating shampoo , conditioner and hair vitamins for healthy and beautiful hair after hair loss during pregnancy. Also available as advantageous package.

Alopecia Areata in Women


Alopecia Areata in Women

What is it and what can you do about it?

It could just be that you have a nice full head of hair until you suddenly suffer from hair loss in a specific place. Within a few weeks or perhaps even in a few days, the area appears to be thinning and then it seems that no hair is growing at all. Chances are that you are dealing with Alopecia Areata. This can have a significant impact on your state of mind. What exactly is alopecia areata in women and more importantly, what can you do about it?

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata, Latin for patchy baldness, is an autoimmune disease. This means that the cells in your immune system accidentally attack the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. The hair usually falls out in round patches, coin-sized pieces, distributed over the head.

This skin condition is relatively common and can affect anyone at any age, although most cases occur before or around the age of 30. The duration of the hair loss and its severity vary from person to person.

In some people, the condition causes total baldness and progresses (Alopecia Totalis) or complete loss of body hair (Alopecia Universalis). For others, hair grows back in 12 months or less. It may also repeat itself and appear as a multi-year cycle.

The culprit: Like most autoimmune diseases, what causes Alopecia Areata is not fully understood. However, studies and specialists associate this form of hair loss with the following factors:

  • Genetics, hereditary predisposition
  • Tension and severe stress situations
  • Accidents (in relation to stress)
  • An underlying disease
  • A relationship with another autoimmune disease
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency

How to spot it: The most prominent symptom of Alopecia Areata is patchy, patchy hair loss, about the size of a euro coin, usually on the scalp. But also other places where hair growth can be affected, such as the beard or eyelashes.

Hair loss can come on suddenly within days or weeks. You may experience itching or burning in the affected area before hair loss. Even minor changes in your fingernails and toenails can also indicate Alopecia Areata. The nails can suddenly be very rough, dull, thin and split.

Other clinical signs:

  • Loss of pigment in the hair (hair turns gray) around the affected area
  • Some short hairs that narrow at the bottom and grow in or around the edges of bald patches

Who is more likely to get Alopecia Areata, men or women?

Alopecia Areata affects both men and women. But although men are more likely to experience hair loss (such as baldness), women are more likely to be diagnosed with Alopecia Areata than men. The reasons for this, as well as the cause, remain a mystery.

Children can also develop Alopecia Areata. Most people dealing with Alopecia Areata experience this type of hair loss before the age of 30. While the disease is often related to a person’s lineage or genetics, parents with this condition don’t always pass it on to their child, nor does it tell us that children with Alopecia Areata have a parent who has also suffered from it.

But Alopecia Areata can be cured, right?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alopecia Areata. It is just as unpredictable as other autoimmune diseases and a lot of research is still needed before it can be fully understood. Some experience Alopecia Areata only once in their lifetime, while others experience hair loss multiple times for weeks, months, years or even decades after it first appeared. While there is not much you can do to eliminate the cause of Alopecia Areata, there are ways to deal with it as best you can and promote recovery.

Case study

One of the trichologists who works with Neofollics has a lot of experience with hair problems such as Alopecia Areata. In one example a woman who had a severe degree of this hair problem, treatment was prescribed from the first moment with the Neofollics Tablets , Shampoo and the Lotion . From the moment of the first use, it improves the condition of the scalp and has received essential vitamins and minerals for hair growth. The use of the Lotion has provided local stimulation of hair growth. With this treatment for 12 months, the hair situation has improved significantly.


Unfortunately, with Alopecia Areata, there is no solution available that tackles this problem at the root cause. However, a number of products can be used to promote hair growth recovery as much as possible. For this we recommend a combination of the Neofollics Tablets , Neofollics Shampoo and the Neofollics Lotion . This can also be found in it Neofollics package for moderate hair loss 

8 signs of hair loss to look for


8 signs of hair loss to look for

Signs of hair loss

What are the main signs of hair loss? Find out here what could be the first signs that you are experiencing thinning hair or hair loss and whether you need to take action!

1. Receding hairline

One of the first signs of hair loss is a receding hairline. You know that your hairline has been pulled back further when you can no longer style your hair as you used to. You can notice this for example by the hair at the temples, this will have become thinner or shorter and the inlets may have become larger. Time for action!

2. Hair loss

It is completely normal to lose about 100 hairs every day. This is normal hair loss. So you don’t have to worry if you see a few hairs in the drain after taking a shower. However, if you notice that more and more hairs get stuck in your brush or that there is a lot of hair on your pillow when you wake up, this could be a sign that your hair loss is more than usual.

3. Visible scalp

When you were younger, you may have had thick and full hair that didn’t show the scalp. If you now look in the mirror, you will regularly see the scalp shine through. This slow thinning of the hair is usually less noticeable. Still, the increasing visibility of the scalp is reason to take action. This is because regrowth of the hair is more difficult to achieve than the inhibition / stabilization of thinning hair. Stop your hair loss before it starts!

4. Itchy scalp

Some people find that they have hair loss from an itchy scalp. It is important to realize that this can also be a sign of other skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis. If you have excessive itching, it is recommended that you see a dermatologist to rule out more serious problems. A healthy scalp is important for hair growth and is an important foundation. A hair growth stimulating shampoo and / or conditioner ensures a healthy scalp and stimulates hair growth. The Neofollics shampoo is also mild for the scalp and contains ingredients that work well against itching, flakes and dandruff.

Lose pluck of hair

Women are more likely to lose hair than men. When you run your fingers through your hair, losing a few hairs is normal. However, if you keep pulling out sections of hair, this can be aa sign of excessive hair loss. This can also be a sign if you lose more hair than normal while brushing. Note that you can lose a little more hair in certain seasons than in others. If the hair falls out in small round spots and leaves really bald spots, you could suffer from Alopecia Areata. Read more about it here in this article.

6. Thinner hair

Many people already feel that they have lost hair before they see it. You will notice this, for example, by the fact that your hair elastic fits around your tail more often than before. Also, most people have a good idea of how heavy / dense your hair is when you brush it. When the hair starts to feel much lighter, it is more likely a sign that your hair has thinned.

7. Wider separation

Anyone concerned about hair thinning should keep an eye on their separations. When the hair starts to thin out where you part it, you will notice a wider parting.

8. Getting older

Most men and women will experience some form of hair loss as they age. Studies have shown that about half of all men over 50 years of age suffer from hair loss and that more than 40% of all women experience hair loss in their lifetime. It is therefore important to take preventive action on time!

Are you curious about which products suit you best?

Stimulate Beard growth with the Neofollics Beard Serum


Stimulate Beard growth with the Neofollics Beard Serum

Are you looking for the best way to stimulate beard growth?

With the Neofollics beard growth serum you too can grow a fuller beard by stimulating your beard growth.

Online platform Man-Man wrote a nice article about it:

The beard. The figurehead of masculinity. You either have it or you don’t. At least, you would think so. Are you the kind of person who cannot grow a full beard even though you try so hard? Then we now have a solution for you that really works. That a beard can be a powerful tool has already been proven by many men. A stylish beard (and / or mustache) can make a man look many times more attractive and mature, there is no doubt about that. But what if you aren’t blessed with a full beard? Then you no longer have to give up! We have the solution for you with this hair growth stimulating and nourishing beard growth serum.

How can you stimulate your beard growth with Neofollics beard growth serum?

There are numerous resources and theories in circulation by which a beardless man could get facial hair. A healthy lifestyle, exotic oils and so on. But what you really need is a product where the effect on beard growth is scientifically substantiated. Good news: we found it for you. Meet the Neofollics beard growth serum , the most effective beard growth serum to stimulate beard growth on the market.

Read more? View the full article here on the website of

What is Neoxyl 7%? Check it now!


What is Neoxyl 7%? Check it now!

Curious about the innovative hair growth complex Neoxyl in the Neofollics lotion?

Neoxyl 7% ® is an innovative hair growth complex that in the Neofollics lotion can be found. A hair growth complex is a combination of active ingredients. The 10 active ingredients in Neoxyl 7% ® have been selected to tackle hair loss in multiple ways based on scientific research. Neoxyl 7% ® has been specially developed as the successor to Minoxidil and other hair growth lotions. Minoxidil is a drug, used for hair growth stimulation. However, it has limited effectiveness and has many negative side effects.

Hair growth molecules

Neoxyl 7% ® contains three main hair growth molecules namely Adenosine, Vividine ® and Aminexil ® . These molecules have a similar molecular structure to Minoxidil, but together provide a broader approach to hair loss and have virtually no side effects.

  • Vividine: strengthens hair growth in various ways. Vividine stimulates the so-called potassium channel opening (PCO), just like Minoxidil does. This ensures that hair enters the growth phase faster and that this growth phase also lasts longer. Vividine also has a positive effect on blood flow to the hair follicle, allowing nutrients to reach the hair follicle better.
  • Aminexil: reduced hair loss by preventing the hardening of collagen around the hair root. As a result, the hair root anchors itself more firmly in the scalp.
  • Adenosine: Research has shown that Adenosine, in both men and women, can improve hair growth on the scalp. The study shows that users are satisfied with the decrease in hair loss. Adenosine, unlike Minoxidil, has no side effects. 

Botanical extracts

In the Neoxyl 7% ® hair growth complex contains six botanical extracts. These have a positive effect on hair growth in various ways. One of the main mechanisms of action is to inhibit the production of DHT. The production of DHT by the body is an important reason for (hereditary) hair loss, and influencing growth factors is an important mechanism in stimulating hair growth.

  • Ecklonia cava: contains a high concentration of the substance Dieckol, which lowers DHT and a high concentration of Dioxinodehydroeckol, which stimulates hair growth.
  • Raspberry ketone: can increase the production of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), which stimulates the growth of the hair follicle. Also, studies show that a very low concentration of this substance already has a significant effect on hair growth. Read more about Raspberry ketone .
  • Carthamus tinctorius:´stimulates hair growth in various ways and suppresses growth factor B-1, a peptide associated with hair loss.
  • Sanguisorba Officinalis: Stimulates hair growth by prolonging the growth phase of the hair follicle. It suppresses Fibroblast Growth Factor-5 (FGF-5), a natural protein that plays a role in the (too fast) transition of the hair from the anagen to the telogen phase.
  • EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate): a polyphenol from Green Tea. EGCG counteracts the 5α-reductase process. This makes it a natural DHT inhibitor.
  • Proanthocyanidin B2: a polyphenol from grape seeds. It extends the growth phase, which ensures longer hair and a higher density of the hair.

Clinically proven product

Neofollics lotion with Neoxyl 7%® has been clinically tested through multiple studies and contains only ingredients whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in various scientific studies. So, the results of these studies show that it has a positive effect on hair growth and that it is a good product against hair loss.

Furthermore, in a long-term study on users with hair loss, it appears that Neofollics lotion with Neoxyl 7% ® can cause a decrease in hair loss and an increase in the density of the hair. In all major employ ents we see significant improvements. 92% of users reported seeing improvement in their hair growth or hair loss.

In a laboratory study the effect of Neofollics lotion measured on the multiplication of human derma papilla cells (HDPCs). This is an important indicator of hair growth. This study showed that the Neofollics lotion resulted in a 96.8% increase in cell growth. Double that of the untreated cells. This indicates that Neofollics lotion significantly promotes cell growth in human dermal papilla cells.

The effect of Minoxidil, for comparison, shows an increase of only 68.3% in cell growth. The Neofollics lotion has one + 41% higher value than Minoxidil. This comparison indicates a greater effectiveness of the Neofollics Lotion.

Neoxyl 7% vs. Minoxidil

In this article you could read that Neofollics lotion with Neoxyl 7% ® is a product with scientifically proven advantages over Minoxidil. There are several reasons why we Neofollics lotion see it as the best alternative to Minoxidil. In conclusion:

  • Neofollics is 41% more effective than Minoxidil on the growth of dermal papilla cells.
  • It has 95% user satisfaction, according to research.
  • The lotion quickly absorbes into the scalp and is non-greasy.
  • It is a water based solution and does not contain harmful solvents such as Propylene Glycol (PPG), unlike Minoxidil.
  • It is suitable for both men and women.
  • The lotion contains, in addition to Neoxyl® , several other actives that improve hair growth, such as Panthenol. Thanks to the multiple approach, you can expect a better effect on hair growth.
  • Neoxyl® not only has an effect on hereditary hair loss, such as Minoxidil, but it is also suitable for combating hormonal hair loss and alopecia areata SO




Suddenly suffer from hair loss in specific places, while you always have a nice full head of hair. Then there is a good chance that you suffer from Alopecia. Within a few weeks or even days, hairs in one area appear thinner and hair may seem to stop growing. This is very annoying and can have a major impact on daily life. But what is Alopecia, and perhaps more importantly, what can you do about it?

What is Alopecia?

Its literal meaning is ‘baldness’. There are different forms and the process is different for everyone. Sudden hair loss, bald patches on the body, whole strands of hair that fall out or gradual hair loss. There is still a lot of uncertainty about the causes of baldness. In some cases hair growth returns, in other situations it only spreads further.

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s defenses are disrupted. In principle, the immune system protests and turns against its own body, in this case against the hair roots. The autoimmune disease causes inflammation of the hair roots, leaving only weak, brittle hairs to grow. Eventually no hairs grow from the hair roots at all. Some forms of baldness are hereditary, but the influence of heredity is not always clear. Sometimes, the condition is aggravated by other diseases related to immune system disorders. Thyroid disorders, vitiligo or forms of anemia are such diseases. Tension and stress can contribute to this, but are not the direct cause.

The three most common types of Alopecia are:

  • Alopecia areata, this is a very common type that can occur in different parts of the body.
  • Alopecia totalis, in the totalis variant, mainly the scalp hair no longer grows
  • Androgenetic alopecia literally means “male type of hair loss”.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata, Latin for patchy baldness, is an autoimmune disease. This means that the cells in your immune system accidentally attack the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. This suspicion is reinforced by the fact that it has been found that patients with this disease are relatively more likely to suffer from other diseases that are associated with disorders in the immune system. These could be some thyroid diseases, vitiligo (white patches on the skin), or certain types of anemia. Hereditary factors may also play a role as is stress. These factors probably play only a minor role.

The places affected places are usually round or oval. In the spots (almost) all hair falls out, while the skin around them shows normal hair growth. The result is that one or more bald areas develop.

This skin condition is relatively common and can affect anyone at any age, although most cases occur before or around the age of 30. The duration of the hair loss and its severity vary from person to person.

The course of alopecia areata is very unpredictable. In most cases, a recovery of hair growth occurs spontaneously within a few months to years. The hairs that come back are sometimes white, but the normal hair color returns over time. In some cases, complete healing does not occur. It also happens that the hair growth restores itself in the original places, but that bald spots subsequently appear elsewhere. It is possible that the condition will disappear completely and come back after years.

Alopecia totalis

Alopecia totalis is a hair disease in which hair suddenly falls out and usually does not return. This condition can affect all hairy parts of the body (legs, armpits, etc.) in addition to total hair loss on the head. It occurs in men and women and can lead to psychological and emotional problems. We speak of alopecia totalis when you lose all your body hair.

The cause of Alopecia totalis is, just as with the Areata variant, unknown. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system turns against the hair follicle. About 1 in 250,000 people suffer from the totalis variant. Both men and women suffer from this.

Because the skin’s stem cells remain, there is a small chance that the hair will grow back. However, the prognosis gets worse the longer the process takes. Regrowth is unlikely if Alopecia totalis lasts longer than two years. The prognosis is also poor when the totalis variant develops at a young age. If Alopecia totalis is hereditary we do not know.

Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the name of the hair loss commonly referred to as ‘male pattern baldness’. This baldness is caused by the sensitivity of the hair follicles to the (male) hormone DHT. In men, androgenetic alopecia can be recognized because the amount of hair on the crown or at the inlets decreases. The term ‘male pattern baldness’ is somewhat confusing, as women can also suffer from this form of baldness. Women therefore speak of ‘hair loss according to the female pattern’.

Androgenetic alopecia has nothing to do with Areata in terms of cause. In the Netherlands, an estimated 70 percent of men suffer from androgenetic alopecia. This is more than 40 percent for women. Androgenetic alopecia can develop as early as puberty.

In men, this baldness starts at the temples and on the crown and usually continues until only an edge of hair remains on the back of the head. In women, androgenetic alopecia is usually manifested by a thinner hair implant, often dominant on the midline of the head.

Androgenetic alopecia is not a disease or condition, but is considered an aging phenomenon and is largely hereditary. This does not alter the fact that it is experienced as a condition, especially for (young) women whose baldness is clearly visible. This can also be very stressful for men whose baldness starts at a young age and has a major impact on the quality of life.


Unfortunately, with Alopecia there is no solution available that tackles this problem at the root cause. However, a number of products can be used to promote hair growth recovery as much as possible. For this we recommend a combination of the Neofollics Tablets , Neofollics Shampoo and the Neofollics Lotion. Please visit our treatment page for different Alopecia treatments.

High-quality products are of great importance to us. So you will find no harmful substances such as SLS and other sulfates, silicones and parabens in our products.


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